Get a Grip - Top 8 exercises for climbers under a time crunch

With the hustle-and-bustle culture of today’s society, the biggest concern I hear most people facing is “when can I find the time to train outside of climbing, work, cooking, etc…and when I do finally have time, how can I find the motivation?”

Whether we label them, write them out, think them, or are possibly even unaware of them…we all make every single decision in our life based on a set of constructs that make up our priorities. One of my favorite things about being human, is that we all have different priorities. There is no such thing as right or wrong priorities, just simply a judgement based on varying orders of importance you might see in the people around you. Maybe your priority is resting/relaxing at the end of a long work day, maybe it’s making sure you’re cooking yourself the majority of the meals you eat in a week, maybe it’s saving money, keeping a clean house…you name it. Priorities can even be disguised as the same thing, but each person might have a completely different reason for putting it at the top of their list. And for some of you reading this, you might be thinking all of those things are important to you…but there will always be an order in which you’ll choose to sacrifice one over another…and therein lie your priorities.

Since it seems so common for time to “get away from us” I encourage you to sit down and think about what your priorities might be. Name them. It forces us to be honest with ourselves about what work we are ACTUALLY willing to put in to ensure that the direction of our time and energy is going to all the desired places.

Contrary to popular belief, ‘climbing’ and ‘getting better at climbing’ are two different priorities. ‘Climbing’ simply means you are making time to head to the climbing gym and get sessions in. ‘Getting better at climbing’ requires climbing sessions AS WELL AS outside training such as strength training and hang boarding/grip-strength training. Prioritizing ‘getting better at climbing’ means you’re ready and willing to put in additional work.

Feel like you are struggling to find the time?

Of course there are a number of programs and exercises that are beneficial for many different types of training and training goals…

Here are the top 8 strength exercises I would recommend for climbers in a time crunch:


DB clean and press


Prone bent over flies

DB bent over rows

Plate flips

Physio Ball hamstring curls

Physio Ball ab saws OR hanging knee raises/toes to bar

Not sure about what set and reps are right for you, drop a comment below or send me a message/email!

Want your own personalized program?…Let’s chat :)


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