Why should you understand the way your body works during movement?

Although seemingly unnecessary, understanding the way your body works while moving only adds to your ability to process and progress.

It’s pretty similar to the role technology can play in our world. It is quite possible to know the bare minimum and squeak by…sure we might get some answers to simple questions we are seeking answers to, but we would not be utilizing the full scope of what technology has to offer. Understanding computers, search engines, websites, available apps, online creation, or even social media (not to mention the whole world of technology that completely escapes me) can be a daunting task, but the world of possibilities it opens up is insurmountable.

Tapping into a new realm of technology ends up being quite similar to the elements of fitness that become available as you begin to understand the way your body functions as you move.

Fumbling around on a computer as you try and navigate one of its features, looks a lot like heading to the gym without a plan or any knowledge of what would help your body perform at its highest potential in order to produce the best results.

As you begin to understand the way your body moves, you begin to open up a world of fitness you might not have had access to prior.

In my experience:

  • you get more out of an exercise

  • choice of exercise gets easier

  • better results tend to lead to more motivation

  • a heightened sense of understanding gives our mind a better chance to connect to our body

  • learning your body gives you a chance to tweak an exercise or tailor a workout

What is one area of fitness and/or your body that you think you would benefit from understanding a bit better?


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