The space between stimulus and response

“Between the stimulus and response, there is a space. And in that space lies our freedom and power to choose our responses. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” - Viktor E. Frankl

This quote tends to revisit me very often at all different stages, phases and seasons of life. In each one, I find the words landing a little different inside my chest: patience with others, patience with myself, presence in the moment, bringing my mind down into my body, making big changes, learning something new, picking a lesson out of the mess….

We are exposed to countless stimuli day in and day out. In some circumstances, especially in the age of technology, we get more time to process how something lands before we generate our response. In other scenarios we have only a split second to react.

In either case, there is a space. This space can feel small and stuffy, or it can feel vast and expansive…it’s all in how you choose to see it.

There is also space between physical stimulus and response in terms of exercise and movement. This space allows our bodies to adapt, understand, learn, form good habits, and neurologically connect to movements.

I find that being conscious of letting myself navigate that space with grace allows me to choose a response that I can stand behind…one that feels right in my mind and my body. It allows me to take note of what is occurring in my body in a way that I am readily able to call upon again in the future.

Growth & freedom.

The growth and freedom are found in the middle…the messy, magical middle of a moment.

The next time you’re presented with something that confuses, overwhelms, or makes you question something you thought you knew…I challenge you to sit inside that space, before you respond with words or a decision. The space between stimulus and response. It’s easier to do when the space you’re granted with is long and open, but there’s so much power that lies in taking a short pause with someone in front of you that is waiting for a response. Whatever the scenario…

…try it.

Try it with grace.

Grace in the space ;)


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