The 5 senses - a morning routine to kickstart your day

The more I practice a morning routine, the more convinced I become that it changes the course of my ENTIRE day!

I recently decided to try something new. Each morning I wake up and I choose one (or two or three) of the five senses. Then comes the fun part…I get to pick a ritual, activity, food/drink, or anything I can think of that might fulfill that sense AND that also brings me joy. I immediately get so excited to carry out whatever I might choose that I find myself smiling before I even start…

I end up taking great care in each step of whatever process is involved…to the point where my senses themselves seem to be heightened. I see colors brighter, hear each little sound with such an eager ear (I might even pick up those ‘in-between’ sounds I hadn’t before), every single bite or sip of my morning nourishment seems even more delicious, the smell of what seemed to be mundane background scents suddenly have me breathing deeper, the air even feels better on my skin. At some point I find myself taking a picture or writing down the experience: documenting and feeling my world expand and extend out into the rest of my day.

Throughout the course of my life, practicing gratitude has looked different at different points. As a kid, my mom and I practiced gratitude together by ending each day writing down at least three things we were grateful for. As I got a little older, I adopted the practice of waking up and recounting the day before - moment by moment. I quickly found that all the little things I might typically skip over actually became the most beautiful pieces of my days. As this became glaringly evident, the hindsight perspective had me approaching each day and each ‘small’ moment with such gratitude and presence rather than waiting to recount its magic the following day (I still got super excited to write it all out too ;)).

This phase of life has presented me with the five senses. We change so often, so it only makes sense that the way we see the beauty in the world around us would change too.

So here’s to a new way to find gratitude in the seemingly simple, daily life all around me.

If you find yourself between growth and gratitude, maybe give this practice a try. You never know…it just might ground you in all the ways you need it most.

Some five sense suggestions:

sight - go watch the sunrise, find a body of water (or any water), watch animals in their environment, watch a show that inspires you

sound-put on a chill playlist, listen to the birds or maybe the rain/breeze/storm/cicadas, a morning of silence, listen to a podcast

smell - brew some coffee, light a candle, burn some incense, use your favorite lotion, bake something yummy

taste - make a deliciously nutritious breakfast, have some tea or coffee (but first a glass of water), take yourself on a breakfast date

feel - grab a cozy blanket and a mug…sit and read OR just sit! put your feet and hands in water, wash your face, walk outside barefoot, sweat

Whatever it is that fills your cup…do that!

Tag me in your morning senses @getfitzwithava I can’t wait to see what ya’ll come up with…you never know who your morning routine will motivate and inspire!!!


The space between stimulus and response

