
Do you have something in your life that constantly gives you a reason to check your perspective?

I’m not sure if it happens this way…

But if I had to share my unsolicited view, we all - at some point or another - get presented with something that flips our world around. It changes the way we see the things around us, and all the things we thought we knew. It took me 26 years on this earth, but you best believe I got mine. It continues to change my life 3 years later.

You see, I think we all get one of these moments or events…in whatever form it might show up for us.

Perspective changes can be radical, extreme, and hard. Sometimes they happen quick, ripping off the band-aid. And sometimes they happen soft and slow, giving us time to adjust and morph with it.

Sometimes, we don’t see the shift unless looking in the rearview mirror.

I am quite positive we get to choose the way we allow these moments to change the way we see things, do things, think, love, exist, interact, and inspire people around us.

Then, throughout life, we routinely will find ourselves needing maintenance checks: requiring a “glitch in the system” that reroutes our outlook.

-Maybe it reminds us how small we are in a vast world

-Maybe it gives us that notion that we have it quite good in reference to other scenarios and circumstances

-Maybe, just maybe it gives us a dose of mortality

-Maybe it’s a simple reminder that there is so much more life out there than what might be immediately surrounding us in the moment

-Maybe life has touched you…and maybe it hasn’t

All I know is that when I need a maintenance check and a shift in perspective: when my life feels like I’m existing inside of it, rather than amongst it…and when I am having a hard time seeing outside of my daily “problems,” I always go to nature.

One of my favorite places to take myself is to the top of a mountain, a place where I can look out. I like to imagine all the humans souls milling about below…all the chatter, all the laughter and tears, all the scenes playing out in homes and public places. I picture lights turning on as dusk creeps in, coffee and tea brewing under a sleepy, watchful eye. I picture a smile stretching across a face while someone reads a line in their favorite book. I picture someone crying for reasons I can’t begin to know. Or lights switching off, as ‘goodnights’ are exchanged. I tend to come here, to this place of wondering, when I feel I need some shaking up.

This reframing of the way I see the world inspires me to make a slew of decisions in a new light. It reboots my motivation, it sparks my creativity. I feel new energy in my workouts, I approach programming with a different eye. Food tastes better, decisions feel easier. Physically, I feel better in my skin.

I guess I can boil all of these words down to this: “Changing your perspective requires you to get outside…of yourself AND the house. Sometimes life forces you into it, and sometimes you must to take it upon yourself. Whatever it is for you…recognize it, embrace it, and use it for good ;)”

Happy moving!!!


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