Exploding with smiles©

Exploding with smiles is a term I like to think I coined during my time in Hawaii.

I needed a way to explain the moments I was experiencing where the bliss seemed to just overflow out of me. A simple smile didn’t seem to suffice. It was as if my whole body was smiling until it bubbled up and overflowed out of me…exploding out.

Exploding with smiles, refers to those moments where you can’t really imagine any element being better than it is right then. Right NOW.

Ever since, I have been intent on filling my life with moments like this. Meeting others who explode with smiles, who make me do the same. Choosing to spend my time in ways that give me no choice but to explode with smiles.

I guess you could argue that laughter could be a synonym for the phrase, but I think what separates the two is the slow burn of the process of exploding with smiles. How it starts at your toes and makes its way through all the fibers and cells and by the time it makes it to your face, it takes over…you lose control of how it expresses itself to the world around you.

What makes YOU explode with smiles?

Here are a few of mine:

-being surrounded by my collection of humans© (explanation to come)

-the perfect song to fit a moment

-when the temperature of the air lands on your skin just right

-a clear sky full of stars

-a string of words that make me feel something

-people who give you the space to be imperfect

-smiling at strangers

-sweet potatoes

your turn….


Rest + Recovery


Extending seasons of joy