When’s the last time you tried something new?

You never know…that ‘something’ new can so often become the thing that shifts everything for you!

Whether it’s an activity, a type of movement, self-care practice, a thought process, a habit, a food, a brand new location…you name it!

All you have to do is TRY!

My unsolicited advice?

Make sure to enjoy every new moment of the journey. Often times, the beginning can be uncomfy - we find ourselves wishing that phase away; we wish to be settled into the mundane routine of it all. We crave that feeling of knowing. Heck, I used to live my whole life this way…and I’m still guilty of this from time to time.

But all of a sudden you’re settled, nothing feels so new anymore and before you know it, you’ll be looking back on that first time feeling pretty dang grateful for the way your life took shape because of it.

I used to think I had to be amazing at everything I did in order for it to be worthwhile. It’s taken a bit of time, and in some ways I’m still learning that, in fact, it’s rarely ever about how amazing you might be! It’s about the fears you overcome in order to do it. It’s about the joy it might bring you…

…the peace it might fill you with.

…the people it connects you to.

It’s about the smiles it stretches across your face.

…the places it takes you.

It’s about the elements it exposes you to.

…the process of learning something new.

It’s about the pursuit of finding the things you don’t love.

Sometimes it’s just about the thrill.

Sure, it’s fun being good at things. And don’t get me wrong, I’m still pretty competitive, but there’s so much more to it.

Photography, taking pictures…it’s one of those things for me. It’s a hobby in which I never set out intent on perfection. Whenever I take out my camera, it’s just for fun. Plus, how could you possibly ever mess up when capturing humans or nature in their element?

Oh, and I just really love finding beauty through a lens and having memories to look back on, so it’s a win win if ya ask me ;)

Six years ago, I got on a surfboard for the first time. That first day was a big leap in overcoming a lifetime of fears that plagued my lifestyle choices.

- The places it has taken me - montauk, hawaii, long island beaches…

- The lessons it has taught me - sometimes it’s just about being out in the vast expanse of water as a way to ground you, offer perspective and simply reset.

- The ways it has helped me grow - replacing fears with childlike wonder

- The things I have seen - the sun setting over the water as I sit on my board in the lineup, a sea turtle popping his head up right next to me, dolphins

- The people it has placed in my life - adding to my priceless collection of humans

…all of these things (and many more) have changed me.

Forever grateful for that first day and that humbling newbie feeling, over and over again!

Over the years, whether I’m surfing, climbing, mountain biking, snowboarding, or trying some other extreme sport, I have actually come to love being ‘the new one.’ I love being surrounded by people who light up talking about what they once fell in love with. I love getting to learn a completely new skill-set and challenging my mind and body to expand. I love seeing how other people operate and hearing about their journey of ‘starting.’ There is so much space and grace in the process of starting something new.

Tell me about the last time you tried something new!!

P.S. - don’t leave out the GOOD PARTS ;)


Balancing climbing and training


The secret to balance…