The secret to balance…

SHHHH it’s a secret…

No one has it all figured out!!

That illusive ‘balance’ everyone speaks of, it looks different on everyone.

  • we could spend our whole lives trying to find the perfect balance, get in perfect shape, have it all figured out, make sure each training session is our best yet -

    • but what about those sessions that aren’t our best, or days we feel way too heavy on one end, and light on the other, or when our body feels all outta whack and we start to question everything?!?!

It may sound crazy but holding space for days like those; they make for moments of presence and gratitude for whatever fluctuations of day to day life you might be feeling.

Those days that tip the scales in one direction or another, the ones that throw us ‘off balance,’ are only evening us out in the long run!

In fact, by definition, the word balance itself means “an even distribution of weight” so with only good days, our scales would still be too heavy on one side…just some food for thought;)

And I’ll let you in on another secret, sometimes those days end up looking like spontaneous adventures and the widest smiles, because life isn’t about that perfect picture…it’s everything in between. Sometimes balance means forgetting everything that makes sense and doing something just because. Sometimes it’s blurry pictures and a day with absolutely zero plans….sometimes balance makes us forget everything we thought we knew or wanted.

As my sister and I were growing up, my mom had purchased these two figurines. The figure is a beautiful representation of a human with their arms out, even with each other, holding and balancing things in each hand. It seems as though she waited to give them to us until she thought we were getting to a point in our lives where outside pressures and ideologies were trying to weave themselves into our minds and thought processes. She waited until ‘balance’ became something people spoke about often and was heavily expected of us in society.

Now, whenever I hear or think of this word - balance - I picture that figure sitting on a shelf in my room, to this day. I think of what it represents for myself, and how the same figure can represent something entirely different for my sister. Much like the idea of balance itself, it morphs based on our individual perspective.

What, in your life, seems to give the term ‘balance’ its meaning?


When’s the last time you tried something new?


Tips for the ‘weekend warrior’