Why should you follow a program?

Do you ever walk into the gym without much direction…roaming around aimlessly…doing an exercise here or there as you think of them?

Have you ever gone to the gym with the intention of doing a whole workout, but end up leaving…whether it’s because you’re unmotivated or just aren’t sure what to do?

Is there a part of you that wonders if you’re even doing the exercises ‘right?’

I’ll let you in on a little secret…we’ve all had those days!

Yupp, even me. In fact, I program for my clients all day and sometimes when it comes time for me to do my own workout…the last thing I want to do is put thought into my own programming. Sometimes, when my workouts start to feel stale or I feel like I’ve hit a little bit of a plateau and need to mix it up, I seek programming from fellow trainers I trust.

Programming and problem solving are my passion, but best part of the job is the communication between my clients and myself in which we are able to make small changes that end up drastically enhancing results.

Programming is equal parts science and equal parts art…it’s a balance of sets and reps, ordering and pairing of exercises that are going to produce the desired results for each client. There are so many opportunities to play with— aspects of programming, tweaking exercises, making slight adjustments to form that have the capacity to open up an entirely new realm of progressions.

Anyone can simply move their body…and don’t get me wrong, movement is better than nothing…but when moving with specific goals in mind, programs become the difference between working out and training. Training requires intentionality and purpose behind each exercise and workout. Maybe you’re not sure where to start, or maybe you’re just feeling stagnant. Maybe you’ve been piecing programming together from a bunch of places. Cohesiveness in your training goes a long way in overall progress.

If you are looking for a personalized program to complete on your own, let’s schedule a call and talk goals.

Looking for 1 on 1 training, where I create your program and walk you through the workouts, correcting form and making adjustments along the way?

Or, grab a program from my “Programs” page geared towards your training goals.

Whatever seems to feel like the best for you…start training with intention and see what progressions start to arise!!


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